An interview with Charlotte, editor in chief of ‘Step in to My Closet’


So tell us a little about your blog- how long has it been going and what made you decide to start blogging?

So my blog Step Into My Closet, is a fashion blog. I post outfits that I wear to college, nights out, events etc. I try to do them at affordable prices. I mean there are items I will splash the cash on but generally that is a luxury and I love highstreet fashion. I started my blog this year in April, it has been great and so far I have only received wonderful positive feedback. What made me want to blog were the bloggers and youtubers I had been watching for years. People like Zoella and the Beauty Crush are people who I grew up watching their videos and they inspired me. I’ve loved fashion and clothes from a young age, I always experimented with different styles. I just wanted to share my outfits with people to maybe inspire just one or two people like I was inspired.

Who are your favourite bloggers right now, and why?

My two ultimate favourite bloggers have to be Sammi from Beauty Crush and Lily Melrose. They are both so beautiful and stylish. They use a lot of more basic pieces and use texture and layering to create an outfit. They are just lovely. I love Sara Luxe, she wears lovely outfits I wish I was brave enough and stylish enough to pull off. I also love Ella Masters, the hard work she puts into her illustration business and herself is a real inspiration and gives you a determination boost.

You’re a member of Access all ASOS- tell us a little about that!

I am, it was a bit of a shock really. I adore ASOS and to now be more involved with them is just fantastic. I have already won through Access All ASOS a signed Alexa Chung book, it is just overwhelming. It is such a fantastic opportunity to be involved with them, I get invitations to fantastic opportunities. The most recent invitation was to attend a selfie class and to visit the ASOS HQ. It is just lovely to be a part of.

What are your top 3 tips for aspiring bloggers?

Well as a fairly new blogger I’m not that experienced to give tips but I guess the main one would be determination. Don’t give up, for me fashion is my dream (cheesy as that may sound), but when you start out and a day may go by and your blog has had no views you think ‘what is the point?’. But if you are determined, peruse and have enthusiasm then it will really help.

And finally where would you like to see your blog in one year from now?

I’m really not sure. I didn’t think my blog would have 64 followers in just 7 months! I don’t know what might happen but all I want in a year from now is to have loyal readers and to be an inspiration to even one person. I enjoy it more for myself than anything, to be post pictures of outfits I love and writing about them is great fun. So wherever my blog maybe in a year as long as I’m enjoying it and my readers are then I’m happy.


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