Blogging is a very visual medium, the best blogs not only have a lot of images to accompany their posts, but they also have only the best quality images. These images are engaging, but also bring the post to life, and have the power to either make or break your blog post. This is exactly the same sort of attitude you should have for your Pinterest account. Pinterest drives so much traffic it makes perfect sense that you should consider it as important as your blog.
The best advice I think I can give you, is to treat each pin as a mini post, and each board as a category on your blog. You would never upload images to your blog without any copy to accompany them, so why would you do this on Pinterest? In another Pinterest post (you might get the sense I’m a bit obsessed at the moment) I wrote about how important it is to use keywords in your descriptions- this still remains true, but I would also recommend using your blog name, much like when you comment on another blog. Don’t get too worried about self-promotion, we all do it!
Pinterest is now the second largest driver of traffic, so your presence on there is really, really important. Not only do you need to make sure that every single one of your images are pinnable, but there are lots of other cool things you can do too. Why not at the end of every month do a Pinterest round up, telling everyone about the boards and pinners you have loved and discovered? You definitely need to have a Pinterest button on your blog, so your readers can pin from you easily, you should also have set days when you are definitely going to pin- just like how you should have specific days when you blog. By having set days you are ensuring that you will definitely keep your board’s fresh- maybe try to pin on the days you aren’t blogging.
Do you love Pinterest as much as we do? It is such an important tool for bloggers, and you should value it! Let us know any more Pinterest tips you have in the comments!
I am obsessed with Pinterest and have almost got the hang of it x
That’s great! Pinterest is really important, especially for a beauty blog