5 Ideas for a Unique “About Me” Section!

5 Ideas for a Unique About Me Page- The Bloggers Lounge

Your ‘about me’ section is where your readers, both loyal and new will be going to find out a little more about you. It’s also a chance to be a little creative- and perhaps even show off your talents a bit! If you’re a little stuck on how to present yourself creatively, try one of these ideas out!

10 Facts About Me

Picking 10 weird and wonderful facts about yourself can be a quick and easy way to create a unique ‘about me’ section that won’t get lost with all the others! These posts work best when you mix a few fairly ordinary facts (e.g. when you started blogging) with a couple of more unusual facts about yourself. You can also try making a post like this really stand out by picking 10 of your favourite fonts- one for each fact!

A Video!

This might seem way out of your comfort zone to some of you, but if you feel confident enough in front of a camera, a short 1 minute video can be a great way to introduce yourself to readers.

A Photo Montage

Remember your about section is a good time to be creative and visual, so why not spend some time putting together a group of images that shows your readers what you and your blog are all about!

A Timeline

A timeline is great way to put together a visual and informative profile of yourself. Pick out the key parts of your blogging life that you think your readers will want to know about, and turn these into a visual timeline so your readers can instantly se your journey!

Ask Your Readers!

Ask your readers exactly what they want to know about you! Run a short campaign on your blog and social media channels asking your followers what they’d most like to see from you in your about me section. You can then use your answers to these questions to make a really informative ‘about’ section that you know your readers will appreciate!

If you have any questions about blogging, or just want to get in touch email !

One Response to 5 Ideas for a Unique “About Me” Section!

  1. Linzi Clark January 24, 2015 at 4:56 pm #

    I find the “about me” page the most difficult page of my blog. Thank you for sharing tips on how to make it stand out – I will definitely try out a few though I’m not sure if I’m ready for the video yet!
