How To Make Your Blog Mobile Friendly


You may or may not keep an eye on what fun and creative ways Google come up with to keep everyone on their toes, but they have recently introduced a new update which could have huge impact on your blog’s website rankings.

This update is unusual as Google announced it was happening, and the date (21st April) which it normally doesn’t do- usually everyone just has to keep on their toes and constantly updated with industry news. The update in question relates to mobile friendly websites- if your blog isn’t mobile friendly (so for anyone reading on a smartphone or on a tablet) then you will be penalised in the search results. Now, at the moment those search results only refer to when people are searching on a mobile device, but this could change to all search devices.

There are a few things you can do to ensure that your blog is mobile ready, and you won’t fall victim to the new update….


  1. Make your site responsive

If you host your blog on WordPress, then it will automatically be responsive, but if your title is an image then that won’t be- you might want to check that one! If you host on BlogSpot, then you will have to download a responsive theme, there are some great ones here.


  1. Change your theme

There are a lot of themes that work with mobile, but the best one is a scrolling theme. This has become incredibly popular thanks to how easy it is to use on a mobile. Scrolling themes also look incredibly slick and minimalist, which is always a great look for your blog.


  1. Spacing and font

This is one of the easiest changes to make. You need to ensure that there is a decent size gap in between not only your articles, but also the lines on the page. This will mean that it is easier to read on a mobile device. Also, make sure that the font is large enough to be read on a phone screen, so people don’t have to zoom in.

Let us know if you have any tips on how to make a blog mobile friendly, or if you are already feeling the effects of the new update.

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