5 Things That Could Be Losing You Twitter Followers

twitter followers

Not Being Social Enough

Sometimes it’s easy to forget its called social media! Although Twitter obviously makes a great promotional platform, you’ll get much more out of it if you have a social attitude (well, as much as you can from behind a computer screen!).  Reply to tweets, search relevant topics, and get involved in conversations!

Just Tweeting About Blog Posts

Of course you can use twitter to promote your latest posts, but posting relentlessly about the latest on your blog is not going to entice new followers- and it’s certainly not going to hang onto the ones you already have! One or two tweets about a new blog post is fine, just make sure you’re not pushing the message too hard.

Automatic Private Messages

By all means send someone a nice tweet to thank them for sharing your work or following you, but automatic direct messages don’t have the same personal effect and can be a little off putting!

Not Varying Your Tweets Properly

There are so many different ways to engage with people on twitter, so if you’re really hoping to put the time in and build your following try to vary what you do. For example, why not ask your users a question, or share a few expert advice articles? Spend some time scrolling though those you follow to see what’s being shared and explore the day’s trends. A tweet doesn’t have to end once you’ve pressed enter- aim to start a few conversations too!

Only Sharing Your Own Content

Again you do need to be social, and part of that is sharing the content of others. You only need to do this if you really like a piece, or if you feel your readers will find it relevant- but make sure you do it! Not only will it help you build new friendships, it’ll show your followers that you know your niche well.

3 Responses to 5 Things That Could Be Losing You Twitter Followers

  1. Carmen May 16, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    I hate automatic private messages asking me to follow someone on Facebook as soon as I follow them on Twitter. It’s enough to make me unfollow them on Twitter!

    • Rebecca Brown May 16, 2014 at 3:15 pm

      Same here- that’s why it’s on the list! :)

  2. Rochelle May 16, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    I sometimes struggle with twitter. I find people to follow in my niche, but some of the time they don’t follow back which is ok. I think its the one’s that follow to unfollow that bother me.

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