20 Simple Tips to Help You Build Your Twitter Following!


One of the things we get asked about most regularly is how people can build their twitter following! We’ve put together 20 tips that will help you steadily build your following- pick at least 5 of your favourites and put them to the test!

1.       Create Visuals Especially for Twitter- and Size them Properly!

It’s often said that Twitter is one of the least visual of the social media channels, however especially when it comes to tweeting out blog posts I really believe that a clear, good quality image gets your tweet noticed. Make sure you size it to 440px x 220px otherwise some of your handy work will be cut off!

 2.       Make sure Your Twitter Bio is Optimised

This is far less daunting than it sounds! Just make sure you’ve added a location, a couple of hashtags relevant to your niche, and relevant bio which will make it clear what you’re all about-and of course include your blog URL.

 3.       Remember it’s OK to Tweet About Things Other than Your Blog

Not everything you tweet has to be related to your blog- or even the niche you blog in! Constantly thinking of twitter content that fits in with your blog can be pretty difficult, but don’t be afraid to branch out. Your followers are following you as well as your blog- so a few opinions on different topics here and there will go down well!

4.       Vary  the Way you Tweet

The other day I looked at the twitter profile of the Bloggers’ Lounge and realised the last 7 things I’d tweeted had been blog posts with images- rookie mistake. You (and obviously I) need to vary they types of thing you tweet at least a little so your following don’t get bored of your offerings! Here are a few ideas:




-opinions on relevant news/events

-links to articles on other blogs

 5.       Tweet Three New People Every Day for a Month

Probably my favourite tip on this list, and the best one too. Not much explanation needed, and it really will help you build your following!

 6.       Get Google Alerts on Topics Relevant to Your Blog

One of the best ways to get new followers is to be one of the very first people on twitter talking about relevant news in your niche. Google alerts are really great for keeping up with any news just as it breaks- so you can lead the conversation rather than just joining it.

 7.       Use a marketing system like Social Bro to get Data- and Use it!

You can get some amazing insights into what tweets your followers like, what goes down badly, when you following is online- and when a tweet just falls flat. Many programmes are free for small social media accounts.

 8.       Create a Hashtag for your Blog- It’s not all about other people’s hashtags- start your own! It may not get traction immediately, but if people begin using it even just a little it will get you some highly targeted visibility. You can get people using it by mentioning it on your blog, or running a  twitter giveaway and including your hashtag!

 9.       If you Have a Mailing List, Use it to Promote any Relevant Twitter Activity You’re Running

Obviously don’t email your list just to tell them you’ve done a tweet, but email lists can be the most useful thing in the world when you have a twitter giveaway or competition going! Make sure you send your email out when you’re able to spend a couple of hours on twitter- because in my experience if you email about a giveaway things get pretty busy on social media preeeetty quickly!

 10.   Find Your Tone of Voice

A lot of twitter profiles are really popular simply because people love the tone of voice of the person behind the feed! Whether you’re straight to the point, have a dry sense of humour or are just a bit silly- embrace your natural voice and twitter will love you for it!

 11.   Start Experimenting with Different Ways of Tweeting

There are many different ways to tweet these days, so don’t be afraid to experiment a little with how you do things. For example you could live tweet an event- or actually you can pretty much live tweet anything; a film, TV programme a personal experience. TV can be a great one for live tweeting as people LOVE tweeting and watching the telly! It’s a great conversation starter.

 12.   Make Sure You’ve Identified Influencers in Your Field

……And followed them. Not only will they provide you with useful content for you can retweet, but you really should be keeping up to date with what the top players in your niche are doing.

 13.   Join in with at Least Two Blogger Chats per Week

This one doesn’t need too much of an explanation- it’s just good to be social. Twitter chats are a great way to voice your opinion on current events in the blogging world, and an even better way to meet new bloggers!

 14.   Retweet Other Peoples Tweets!

Relevant tweets, funny tweets, interesting tweets- if you find it interesting your followers will too.

 15.   Share Blog Posts from Your Fellow Bloggers

If you read a blog post you love, then share it! Your followers will appreciate you sharing new content for them to read, the blogger you share from will love you AND it’s just a nice  thing to do!

 16.   Don’t Fall into the Trap of Unfollowing People to Make Your Stats Look Better!

It’s often quite obvious and it looks really bad when people do this! Follow someone because you want to- not because you want them to follow you back! Plus it’s just a really unsustainable way to try to build a following.

 17.   Don’t Just Use Your Twitter to Promote Your Blog, Use it to Add Your Personality to it!

Get involved in conversations, voice your opinion- and have fun! You’re twitter shouldn’t just be about promoting posts, it should be about being part of an online community.

 18.   Don’t Get Despondent- Building Up a Social Media Following takes Time.

Firstly, it’s harder for some than others! Some niches just have a much smaller market than others, so if you’re building a following slowly than don’t despair! You need to remember that sadly there is no quick fix (unless you buy fake followers which I beg you not to do- brands will notice immediately, not to mention your fellow bloggers. Plus it’s pointless- fake followers don’t interact with your tweets!). As long as your progress is slow and steady you’re on the right track, don’t give up- start using even just a handful of these 20 tips and keep an eye on your progress!

 19.   Make Sure Your Profile Picture and Cover Photo Are Both Good Quality

A grainy cover photo is actually quite off-putting to new followers, so take the time to size your image properly. When it comes to your profile picture, it’s well worth getting someone close to you to take a nice headshot!

 20.   Make Sure Your Blog Has Easy to Access Social Media Links

I implore everyone to at this moment go to their blogs and check their social media links are working! I cannot count the number of times I’ve gone on a blog and tried to follow on twitter and the link isn’t working! Yes people can search for you- but people want ease. Do yourself a favour and build your following in the easiest way you can; by having accessible working social links on your blog!

Do you have any tips to add? I’d love to hear them! Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

2 Responses to 20 Simple Tips to Help You Build Your Twitter Following!

  1. Janecia Wiggins September 15, 2014 at 5:48 am

    This post was extremely helpful. I’m a new blogger so I was having a bit of trouble with this. I will definitely use these tips. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Sherene September 16, 2014 at 11:07 pm

    Great read & will definitely try some of the tips.
    Thank you

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