If you run a blog, then having a successful Facebook page to support and market your blog can be invaluable. However, building a loyal and engaged following on Facebook can be tough and it will take time, strategy and creativity. Facebook is a great platform for driving traffic and marketing new content, so spending a […]
Archive | January, 2015
We have created a quick list of simple and quick tips that your blog needs to be successful on Instagram! Your Blog Deserves Its Own Account This is a really important feature to include once your social media profiles start to build. An Instagram dedicated to exactly to what your blog is about- for example […]

Is it Time to Rebrand Your Blog?
We all know how fast the blogging world can change, and although change can be daunting you shouldn’t be afraid to adjust what you do to stay ahead of the game! You shouldn’t need to have a huge overhaul every six months, but if you’ve been blogging for a little while it’s understandable that you […]

How to Write the Perfect Blog Headline
A perfectly formulated headline can do wonders for social media engagement, click-through rates and shares. Newspapers, magazines and the best and biggest sites out there spend lots of time thinking over their headlines, so taking advice from these types of publications is a great way to learn how to grow your blog. If you’re wondering […]

Does Your Blog Need a Media Pack?
Media packs are becoming increasingly prominent in the blogging world, as more and more bloggers are taking the leap from blogging being a fun hobby to an actual career path. Knowing what you should put in your media pack, and how it should be presented can be tricky, so we have made a list of […]

The Ultimate Blog Checklist: 25 Things Every Single Blog Needs!
Every blog is unique, but when it comes to building a successful website there are certain things that every blog needs! Use this checklist to make sure you have the best foundation possible to reach your blogging goals. Social Media 1. Social Media Buttons An obvious one to start with! Don’t hinder your progress; […]

5 Predictions about Blogging in 2015
Everyone in this industry knows how often it changes. With the constant changes in Google guidelines, new technology as well as a steady stream of new bloggers constantly joining us it’s vital to stay on top of your game. Here are a few predictions from us on how blogging will evolve in the coming year- […]

8 Tips to Help You Build Relationships with Brands
It’s not just the initial contact that’s important when it comes to working with brands; building on relationships and turning any brand contacts into long-term collaborators is a great way to make sure you’re always exposed to the best opportunities! The biggest and best in the industry will no doubt have cemented firm relationships with […]

They Key to Making Money from Your Blog: Don’t Blog for Cash, Blog for Your Readers
One of the most common questions we receive at the Bloggers’ Lounge is ‘how can I make a living from my blog’. Understandably people see the biggest and the best of their niche managing to earn a living by doing what they love, and want to emulate that success; but the real question should be […]

Pinterest Tips For The New Year!
Organise your boards Work out what your most popular boards are, and have them at the top of your profile. Your most popular boards are the ones which are more likely to have a lot of pins, so this will show your potential followers that you are a frequent pinner, and are going to give […]