An Interview with Hettie Rose, editor-in-chief of ‘Hettie Rose in Style’!


We interviewed former model and now mother Hettie Rose, editor-in-chief of Hetty Rose in Style! Follow her blog as she makes her way in the fashion world.

So to start, tell us a bit about yourself and your blog…

I’ve been a full time mother for over a year now and have that ‘itch’ to get back into work! I worked odd jobs in the fashion industry when I was growing up and want to get back into it now more than ever! My blog is fashion based, It is to equip followers with easily achievable fashion trends and tips, but I’ve also tried to include posts on the history of fashion and art that has inspired fashion designers over the year. I liked the idea of equipping the reader with a more in dept view on the industry.  

 Why did you decide to start blogging, and what was it about fashion blogging particularly that attracted you?

I set up the blog after meeting with top London stylist Carly Brook who told me to blog all my ideas so that potential employers or clients could see what I’m all about!


How do you see blogging, is it a hobby for you or do you hope it’ll become something more?!

At present I’m just really enjoying sharing my fashion advice with others! It is of course right now a hobby but I think it will compliment my career as a stylist and image consultant very well

 Your blog is fairly new, what are your aims for it for the rest of 2014 and where would you like to see your blog in a year from now?

My aims for 2014 are to blog every shoot I do, blog my case studies with potential clients, before and after pics and just generally keep people up to date with the fashion styling industry! I really want to show people it is possible to do the things you love even though you might have children/ young families! I know I certainly had qualms after I had my son over a year ago but am incredibly determined to succeed now. 

And finally, are there any bloggers that really inspire you? If so who are they….

I love all the quirky outfits on stylebubble, but at the moment i’m enjoying keeping up to date with Lauren Messiah who is a personal stylist in LA. She blogs simple fashion tips but I love it because she gets her messages across. She is exactly where I would like to be in 2 to 5 years time so I’m trying to take a leaf out of her book and lap up all the tips and advice she gives!

If you’d like to be interviewed on the site get in touch with for info!

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