Being a good blogger is being a good writer, and all good writers know that you need to keep your output closely targeted to the right audience if you want to be successful. The key to captivated audiences is to know who you’re writing for, and to be consistent. Therefore, creating blog posts that are relevant to your readers will mean that they come back for more each time you put a new post up. Follow some of our tips to get your writing focused for a consistently targeted audience.
Picture one reader & write for them
Visualise your intended audience – what age range are they, what do they like, what do they buy, where do they go for lunch? Now pick out just one out of the crowd, and build up a persona of this reader. Where does your reader live? What do they wear? What do they do on a Friday night? Then every time you sit down at your laptop to write a new blog article, write the article for your one visualised reader. This way, your writing will be so tightly controlled around writing for a particular audience and you’ll build up a tone of voice that will really speak to the audience you are visualising. This is how you create blog posts that really speak to people, and that they will find interesting and useful.
Be consistent
Staying on-topic with your blog posts and remaining consistently true to your single target audience member will allow you to create a blog full of posts that your visualised reader will enjoy and find useful. If you offer them suggestions to your other blog posts, you’ll find that they stick around because you’re providing articles that they find both interesting and useful. Sometimes it’s good to go with a different flow when the inspiration strikes, but if it’s likely that your one target audience member won’t find the post exciting, it could be reflective of the majority of your audience.
Build on your audience
Just because you visualise one particular and stand-out member of your readership (real or imaginary), doesn’t mean that you will always only ever have one reader. After some time, and once you have an audience who recognises your writing style, topic area and tone of voice you’ll have by no doubt built up a small and hopefully loyal audience following. The key is now to build upon this audience following with more people who are just like your one visualised reader. How? This should be easy if you have a great idea of who this reader is – you’ll know which social media channels they use, who they talk to, how engaged they are. A simple Twitter search might be a good place to start.
What do you think of our tips for targeted blog writing? Do you have any of your own?
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