We often get people getting in touch who are worried that their twitter profiles are growing far to slowly! Building a social media following does take time, but sometimes a few tiny changes can really help to increase your numbers! Here are 3 small things that could be holding you back…..
An Undescriptive Bio
There is quite a trend at the moment for putting as little as possible in your twitter bio! This is absolutely fine- for your personal account! When it comes to your blog you’re going to have to give up a little more info. Not only does this make your profile more visable, it’s a great way to tell your readers about yourself- don’t pass up this opportunity!
You’re Not Posting Consistantly Enough
I’m really guilty of this when it comes to my personal account- but when it comes to the Bloggers’ Lounge I make sure we have content going out on twitter everyday. There are 2 main reasons that not posting for long periods is bad; first off is the obvious one- people get bored easily! If you have a tendancy to not post for a couple of weeks and then pop back up with loads of posts over a couple of days, the liklyhood is that people will unfollow you. You need a steady stream of content going out to allow you to build a loyal following that won’t unfollow you.
Secondly, there are actually social media tools like social bro which tell users when a follower has been unactive for a long period of time- and most of the time people use this aspect of the tool to unfollow inactive twitter users! So get tweeting!
The Content You’re Tweeting is Just Links to Your Blog
Let’s face it, twitter is a propmotional tool; it is absolutely fine to promote your blog on twitter and I would never say otherwise. However there is a line. Twitter is also a social media platform, and should be used not only for promotional reasons but for conversation too. If you’re not making the effort to get to know your following and have converstaions with them, then you’ll soon see your following stall- or even start to drop! Everytime someone follows you take it as a compliment- don’t take it for granted!
Want more social media tips?! We have loads on Pinterest, you can find those here: http://www.pinterest.com/bloggerslounge/social-media-tips/
It’s so tempting to just tweet links and RT, but I have a blast coming up with questions and interacting with the hive – getting real-time travel tips, music suggestions, whatever works!
You’re so right! That’s actually something I forgot to mention in this article- not only is it beneficial to get social on Twitter, it’s also just loads more fun!