3 Tips for Building Your Facebook Likes

3 Tips for Building Your Facebook Likes

Gone is the age when Facebook was just for friends and family – it’s now a hive of activity for businesses and brands, and that includes your own personal brand. If you’re an avid blogger with years under your belt, or even just trying to get your foot in the first door of many, increasing the following of your Facebook page can certainly come in handy. By covering the following 3 tips to build your online presence, you can make the most of Facebook as an integral part of your social media strategy.

1.       Be Consistant

First off, make things consistent. One of the simplest tasks that you can take care of is ensuring that your profile photo, username, and information about your presence are in harmony with each other across the internet. This aims to solidify your brand, if you have a logo – even better! Through improving the coherence of your social standing, people will begin to recognise you across the web – a bonus when it comes to increasing followers, shares and your overall reputation.
Once you’ve covered the visuals, you can now take on the more technical side of things. In the spirit of keeping things consistent, make sure that links to your blog posts are being published on your Facebook page, along with other platforms such as Twitter and an RSS Feed.

2.       Engage

No one likes to see a Facebook page that lacks personality. A great way to improve the reputation of your brand is to show that you’re a real human behind the keyboard! Be sure to get in touch with others who inspire you, those who already enjoy your content and new followers alike. By showing that you’re approachable and that you appreciate your readers, it can endear you to subscribers for life! Aside from plugging the content you produce, it’s important that your personality shines through! But speaking of plugging your content…

3.       Promote Promote Promote!

Include a link to your Facebook page on your blog, many of your readers might not use other social networks such as Twitter, so ensuring that your Facebook page can be accessed from your webpage itself can increase the chances of getting more likes. This should appear not only on your homepage, but across each of your posts. On the other hand, if you already have a bit of a following on Twitter, do your best to include a link to Facebook now and then in your Tweets – many of your followers are likely to migrate over to Facebook if you give them the opportunity to do so!

Overall there are numerous ways that you can boost your Facebook presence, but these key points should give you the chance to cover the ground work. Keep on top of your social presence and in no time you’ll be sitting among a flurry of loyal subscribers! (Ok, it might take a while, but if you keep at it, the hard work can really pay off!)

Comment below if you have any more advice for improving your Facebook Likes, or Tweet us !

2 Responses to 3 Tips for Building Your Facebook Likes

  1. Sara February 25, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    Thank you for the tips !

    • Luke Fazakerley March 18, 2014 at 11:31 pm

      Hi Sara, you’re welcome! Thanks for commenting! We love your blog :) Keep it up!

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