Creating Blog Posts that Will Start a Conversation


Starting a conversation is a great way to build readership interaction as well as getting some good social conversations going. If you do it right, you can place yourself as a key influencer in your field, constantly leading the conversation and opening up discussions- but how can you build this reputation?! Here are a few tips on getting the conversation started:

Make sure you’re aware of any current issues in your industry

The best way to get people excited is by talking about something relevant and current. This could be anything, from the launch of a new fashion range if you blog about fashion, to a recent social media campaign from one of your favourite travel companies. What’s really need when talking about a recent topic and trying to get a reaction is an opinion piece. Be it positive or even negative you need to confidently state your opinion on a given topic, and at the end of your piece open up the discussion and invite (friendly) opposition.

Be the first to open up discussions!

These kinds of posts work best when you’re the first in there. A great way to make sure you are is to subscribe to the RSS feeds of relevant sites in your field, so whenever something of significance happens you’re the first to blog about it!

Encourage and reply to all comments

This is your conversation, so maintain and lead it. Make sure that you’re making the most of all comments you receive by replying and extending the conversation.

Continue the conversation on your social media channels

Once your post is live don’t just sit back and relax- far from it! Tweet your article to people you think might find the discussion interesting and try to move the conversation  across social media as well as your blog.

You might want to even try to get significant influencers in your niche involved such as well known journalists and publications! If your post is relevant and current enough, it’s likely to get picked up by someone somewhere.

If you have any questions at all about blogging, or being featured on the Bloggers’ Lounge get in touch with for info! 

One Response to Creating Blog Posts that Will Start a Conversation

  1. lesley goth May 8, 2014 at 7:26 am #

    Right without comment box there was no engagement
    thanks for the share Rebecca :)