An interview with Sarah, Editor-In-Chief of The Yellow Sunflower!


Tell us about your blog… long has it been going and what’s the main focus of your posts?

My Blog is an Irish beauty and fashion blog called The Yellow Sunflower ( I focus my blogposts on all things beauty and fashion related. I feature Face Of The Days, Product Reviews, Monthly/Seasonly favourites, Skincare tips, Haircare tips, Makeup tips, to name a few. I set up my blog originally in June 2011, but never had the time to begin blogging until nearly a year later. So in May 2012, my blogging journey with The Yellow Sunflower began, and here I am, nearly 2 years later! The main focus of my blog is to make it something I enjoy doing and something my readers enjoy reading. I want to write posts I am passionate about and I like to be 100% honest and give honest reviews and comments, so that people know The Yellow Sunflower is a blog that they can trust and come to for reliable honest beauty advice.

What made you want to start blogging, and were there any particular bloggers that you were really inspired by before you started?

I have always had an interest in fashion and more so beauty and I wanted to share my love for these things with people. I wanted a place where I could write and post my opinion on products and where I could come and talk about all things beauty and fashion related. I always loved SWalkerMakeup’s YouTube videos and also Anna Saccone from The Style Diet, so I suppose you could say they were and still are, an inspiration to me and my blog.

Where would you like to see your blog in a year from now?

I would like to see my blog growing and becoming as successful as it possibly can be. I would like for it to still be a place that provides 100% honest reviews for people and I will strive to achieve this. I would still like to feel as passionate about what I write and my blog in a year from now, as that is what it is all about.

What do you think are the biggest challenges bloggers face?

Personally I find a challenge that comes with owning and running a beauty blog, or any kind of blog is time. I often find it very hard to find the time to blog. Everyone has other things going on in their own personal life and finding the time to write a blogpost can be challenging. It is so important for readers to realise it doesn’t take 10-15mins to write and upload a blog post. So much time and effort goes into the whole process. You have to plan your blogposts, write your posts, take photos (bringing their own challenges (light)), edit photos, edit your post etc. etc. It is all about enjoying what you do! And I do!

And finally, who are your all time favourite bloggers?

Anna Saccone-The Style Diet, FleurdeForce, SWalkerMakeup, Zoella.


If you have any questions about blogging or would like to be interviewed get in touch with .

2 Responses to An interview with Sarah, Editor-In-Chief of The Yellow Sunflower!

  1. Sarah Yellow Sunflower February 10, 2014 at 9:48 am #

    Thank you guys!



    • Rebecca Brown February 10, 2014 at 9:55 am #

      No worries, thank you for getting involved! x
