8 Blog Post Ideas!

blog post ideas

Do you have writers block?! Fear not, here are 8 general blog post ideas for you to personalise and use on your blog:

  • “Where I Blog” Write a post on where you do most of your blogging and why, try and include a few pictures of the area you blog in and the equipment you use.
  • “The Highlight of My Blogging Career so Far” It could be the first comment you got, or your first brand collaboration. All bloggers have that special moment!
  • “How my Blog has Changed” This might be one for those of you that have been blogging for over 6 months, but creating a post on how much your blog has evolved can be really interesting for readers- and pretty interesting for yourself too!
  • “Top 5 Favourite Bloggers of the Moment” If you can’t think of anything personal to post, give something back and give a few of your fellow bloggers a mention!
  • “My Most Successful Post of All Time” Write up a post…about a post. Your most successful one ever to be precise! Include why you think it was such a success and try to include a few tips for those hoping to emulate your success.
  • Interview someone! If you’re a food blogger, interview your favourite cake shop owner. If you blog about fashion try and get in touch with a small fashion company’s PR for an interview. Not only a great way to create a post- but you might make some new contacts too!
  • Top Tips However long you’ve been blogging, there always be someone who’s further behind than you and could do with some help! Share 5 of your top blogging tips since you begun.
  • “My Favourite Blogger in Another Niche” Bloggers have a habit of sticking pretty firmly to their niches, why not try writing about a blogger outside your niche?

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