An Interview with Saadiya, Editor-in-Chief of ‘That Girl Saadiya’!


I spoke to Saadiya, the editor-in-chief of fashion and lifestyle blog ‘That Girl Saadiya‘! Read on to see what she had to say about her future blogging plans, and how she’s found the blogging world so far!

So, tell us a little about your blog and why you started it?

Hello! I blog over at That Girl; Saadiya which is a fashion/personal style and lifestyle blog! I started my blog quite a while ago now as a way to procrastinate from doing uni work (haha!) and have recently decided to put more effort into it and see where it will go, if anywhere! It’s grown quite a lot in the last year and is a place where I share my OOTD’s, day out/adventure posts, bloggers interviews and other random ramblings!

What’s the long term plan for your blog? Do you see it as a hobby or something more?

It is and always has been a hobby and I plan on continuing with it and seeing how it goes. I wouldn’t say I have a ‘plan’ for it but if it leads somewhere exciting then, obviously, that would be great! I am very interested in a career in media and so I’m hoping that my blog and YouTube channel can help out with that in some way which would be mega super cool.

What has been the highlight of your blogging career so far?

Hmmm, I would say just receiving lovely comments and connecting with other bloggers! I’ve met some lovely people through blogging and it has been so great and interesting to connect with people in that way. Also, I’m pretty sure my style has developed and I’ve gotten a lot more confident about it too which is a bonus!

Tell us a little about the most successful post you’ve ever written? Which post is it, and why do you think it was more successful than others?

I’ve just had a look and the most successful post I’ve written is actually a ‘style crush’ post where I talk about Hijabi Fashion! I think the reason that it was and is quite popular is because it’s something different and a completely different side to fashion that we rarely see, especially in magazines etc. I don’t wear a headscarf myself but I absolutely love to follow bloggers that do and I think it’s a great way to show how religion and fashion can work together. My second popular post was on how much I miss Harry Potter after the last film came out haha!

And finally- who are your 3 favourite bloggers at the moment?!

Ah this is such a hard choice as it literally changes all the time! At the moment, though, I would say: Ellies Favourite Things (, In My Sunday Best ( and Winnie Detwa ( I love their fashion and blogging style!

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