How to Know When to Start Monetising Your Blog


When You Have a Stable Readership

If you’re ready to make money, then your blog as to be in a stable position. This means knowing your readership and your following inside out so you’re able to create content that you can be sure will do well! Just because you’ve had one post that’s done exceedingly well doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve hit the big time- you need to be able to rely on your blog, which means consistency is the key! If your readership has been steadily growing for at least a few months, then it may well be time to start thinking about how you can make money in the future. However it’s important to focus on stabilising this growth first. Make sure you are aware of any popular content, or any patterns in your readership so you can continue creating popular content.

When You Work Out what Exactly you Plan to Offer Brands

There are plenty of different ways for bloggers to make money. Rather than one set business model for all, you need to work out where you are strongest and where the potential value for brands lies. Here is a (very) quick guide on what you might be able to offer depending on your strengths:


When Brands Begin to Approach You

A slightly obvious one, but when you start to hear from brands it might be time to start thinking money! However- don’t jump in all guns blazing asking for hundreds per post. Your first few collaborations may well be unpaid but this doesn’t mean you won’t get anything from them! Work out how your first few brand collaborations can work for both you and the brand, keeping the following points in mind:

–          Are they offering a long lasting relationship?

–          Is it a brand you align well with and are very keen on collaborating with?

–          Will there be payment in future?

–          Are they offering anything instead of payment? Opportunities, gifts, contacts……

Are any of you thinking about how you might be able to begin monetising? Have you started already, and have some tips of your own to offer?! Let us know in the comments below!

One Response to How to Know When to Start Monetising Your Blog

  1. ReNewedChick October 6, 2014 at 9:21 pm #

    I have not started my self-hosted site yet because I have been trying to ensure that I can build up my following first but I have already created a FB page, pinterest boards and other material online just to ensure my blog is getting out there. I am still learning which is why I haven’t decided to try to make money from it yet but I am always open to ideas and assistance in getting to this someday, as this is my ultimate goal – to be able to make money from my blog and writing without the need for a full-time job outside of my home. Thank you for posting! Gave me something to think about :)
