How To Identify Who Your Readership Is, And What To Do With This Information


Knowing your readership well is such an important part of developing your blog. Understanding who your readership is, and what they’re interested in is extremely important.  It can enable you to create targeted content that you can tailor to those who you know will be reading. Better still, if you can create content that you’re sure your readership will like you’ll be far more likely to have your content shared and interacted with.

Stage One: Find Out Who Your Readership Are!

The chances are you’ll have a fairly good idea of this anyway, but doing a bit of extra research may well give you a better insight into your readership! First, spend a little time looking through your social followings- particularly those followers who interact most with your posts. Do they have blogs too? Are they around your age? Are they following other bloggers similar to you? Think about all these things as you look through to try and build an initial picture of your followers. Of course take a look at readers who actually comment on your blogs too!

Stage Two: Find Out What They Like

Next, you could even think about asking readers to take a short and really simple survey, with a few key questions which will help you get a general picture of who you’re talking to. Age and gender are usually fairly obvious, so think of a few questions you can’t answer just from looking at social profiles. What are your readers’ interests? What is their favourite post from your blog….and perhaps their least favourite?

If you don’t fancy putting together a survey, you could always just tweet these questions out to your followers. Write a short post too, asking people to comment on what they enjoy, and what they’d like to see more of from you.

Stage 3: Use Your Information

Once you’ve got a clearer idea of who is reading your blog, it’s time to sit down and reassess your content calendar. Make sure you use the feedback you have wisely, and if a feature isn’t working it’s time to cut it out! You might also want to consider developing new features to take your readers needs into consideration. If you get stuck you can find plenty of blog content ideas right here!

If you have any questions about the Bloggers’ Lounge feel free to send any questions to


2 Responses to How To Identify Who Your Readership Is, And What To Do With This Information

  1. Kendwy February 21, 2014 at 5:44 pm #

    You always have such great advice that is relevant! Thank you

    • Rebecca Brown February 24, 2014 at 12:01 pm #

      Thanks so much for saying so! Do let us know if you have any questions at all!
