Four Tips to Refresh Your Social Media Profiles!


Everyone finds their followers stagnating rather than increasing sometimes, but all this usually means is that you need to refresh what you’re doing. Just like your blog, your social media profiles can start to look and feel out of date if you’re not updating them regularly. Here are a few key points to focus on when rejuvenating your social media output!

Update Your Photo’s

This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s something many of us don’t do enough! Profile photo’s can quickly become outdated, and if you’re putting lots of effort into your blog photos it seems crazy not to do the same with your social media profiles! Here are a few key things to think about:

  • Ensure your photo aligns with the style and tone of your blog
  • If you’re on Twitter, Google+ or Facebook it’s really important to think carefully about your cover photo and how it compliments your profile picture
  • With larger photos (like cover photos) you must ensure you have a larger image so it doesn’t become stretched and grainy when you upload it
  • Getting someone else to take your profile picture for you can create a much more professional look- but make sure you’re comfortable enough around them for it to be a great photo!

Make Sure All Social Profiles Align With Your Brand

As we’ve mentioned in , although you should spend time working on the output of each individual profile, it’s important that it’s clear each profile is part of your brand. So if you update one profile picture to reflect your blog better, update them all and make sure there is a recurring theme in the appearance of your profiles. Whether it’s a logo, colour theme or cover photo there should be something visual connecting each profile as well as your name.

Create Images for Blog Posts that Will Work Well on Social Media

You’ve heard it from us before- social media is really visual! Whatever network we’re talking, there aren’t many instances where a nice image won’t help things get shared! We usually try to create a nice clear image with the title of the blog post to put out with our blog posts, and have a great image bank that we use for other posts. Needless to say, when we put the effort in with our images the reaction on social media is better- and the same should apply for you!

Start Experimenting More with Hashtags and Chats!

If you don’t have a huge amount of free time, it can be difficult to put time into finding out what works for you on social media. However, the fact is that not all hashtags work well for every blogger, and not all chats are going to be your thing- so you need to spend a little time working out where you should be channelling your efforts. Spending just 10 minutes a week picking a few new things to try, and a couple of chats to join will really help you find new opportunities online rather than using the same tactics for months on end. You’ll most likely come across a few new bloggers as well!

Are you having trouble with any of your social media channels, or do you have any tips to help others refresh their channels?! We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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