An Interview with Katie Jenner, Founder of ‘Being the Bridesmaid’!

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Wedding blogging can be a scary and competitive world- especially if you’ve never been to a wedding! I spoke to newbie blogger Katie Jenner about how to overcome those initial blogging jitters, and how she’s developed such a professional looking blog so early on in her blogging career! Why not take a look at Being the Bridesmaid!

To begin, tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to start blogging….!

I always thought of starting a blog, but I wasn’t sure what niche I should fit in to, or what really excited me. My best friend got engaged last year, and she asked me to be her bridesmaid. I thought it would be a good idea to write all my bridesmaid research down in one place. I’ve never been a bridesmaid before, so I thought it would be fun for me and useful for her!

What is it about wedding blogging in particular that attracted you?

I’ve had a burgeoning Pinterest obsession for some time, and stumbled upon quite a lot of wedding blogs whilst pinning. I think what attracted me to really committing to wedding blogging is the fact that it is such a creative process, but also an emotional one. This is reflected in the wide variety of blogs out there, from vintage wedding blogs, DIY weddings, to blogs that focus on planning your wedding with a small budget. I want to write a blog that gives good wedding advice and can be used as a resource.

Your blog is still incredibly new, how have you found your first couple of months as a beginner blogger? 

It has been a steep learning curve, but I really enjoy blogging. Sometimes I feel a little sad when the post I’ve spent ages on receives no comments or retweets, but then I try and find something else to write about! I’ve learnt loads from WordPress and Photoshop, to scheduling tweets and using Bloglovin. It’s never ending!

What do you still need to do, and what are your key aims for the next 6 months? 

I have a looong ‘To Do’ list, but mainly, migrating to, using html and CSS, and installing Google Analytics. I think my main aims are to have a posting schedule (sometimes I can be a little disorganised), grow my Twitter followers, and finding more great bridesmaid tips!

What have you found to be the biggest challenge so far?

Hmm biggest challenge would probably be learning Photoshop. I never thought I would be able to use it. I used to think it was really magic, and was baffled by all the layers, but I am slowly getting used to it, and I am starting to love it! I think syncing all your WordPress, Gravatar, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ was a massive hoo-ha, yet completely essential.

Your posts look lovely, do you think aesthetics and design are an important factor when trying to build a successful blog, especially in the wedding niche?

Thank you! I really try hard to make my blog look pretty. I think aesthetics are really important, especially for wedding blogs. For me, I would love it if my blog inspired someone, and part of that is how you present your content.Obviously, there has to be good content in the first place, but stylish photos and some Photoshop entices the eyes.

And finally, what advice do you have for those about to dive into the world of wedding blogging?!

I never thought I would be excited by pinecone bouquets, votives, or home made confetti, but you will slowly become absorbed by the details. I think my main piece of advice is to write about the things you enjoy and carve out your own niche. Wedding blogging is great because it is like escaping in to a fantasy land of Pinterest, pink lemonade and frothy dresses! You’ll love it!

If you’d like to be interviewed for the Bloggers’ Lounge or have any questions at all just email

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