Featured Blogger: Livin’ Like Larz!


We spoke to fashion and and life style blogger Larissa of Livin Like Larz about fashion, blogging and photography!

  1. Give us a quick over view of your blog- how long has it been going and what made you want to start it up?

My blogs began as a secret. A way to develop my private thoughts, photos, and philosophy. Throughout my life journey, and the farther I traveled from home, I have begun to realize that I have a different  vision…. I see a different light… A different meaning to life… Soon, I was exposed to a reoccurring question….How do you live like LARZ? When I began getting messages from individuals from all demographics , telling them about how I inspired them, I knew i had to step up my game, and I transitioned from my tumblrs to LIVINLIKELARZ.

2. How do you pick out your outfits, and what would you say your style is? High street, vintage, designer?!

I honestly never pick my outfits out in advance. What I like to do is grab a bunch of things I love and piece them together like a puzzle.  I am pretty unpredictable. It is highly unlikely that I will EVER buy more than one item at once. I only buy pieces that i absolutely adore, and I also like to incorporate vintage and thrifted fashions into my wardrobes.

3.  Your photo’s are great! Do you have any photography tips for bloggers just starting out?

STRIKE A POSE! For all new bloggers, find your best friend photographers. Seriously I wouldn’t be able to have my blog without the community of photographers I have worked with. I would say find a photographer for every destination you travel. In LA, I have my friend Chelsey Croucher. In Chicago, I have my friend Judd Holland. In Nashville, I work mostly with my blogger friend Louisa (Welldressedblog). Blogging is an amazing way to collaborate with other people and make lifelong friends.  When you find your people and a photographer that you see “eye to eye” with everything takes off from there.

4. Where do you see your blog going, and where would you like it to be in a year from now?

In a year from now, I hope to improve my photoshop skills! I am going to keep up with my blog and try to become more influential in the fashion scene! I am looking forward to expanding my blog internationally , when I go abroad. In a year I hope to have more dynamic posts, continue my youtube series, and meet more blogger friends!

If you’d like to be interview tweet in for details!



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