An interview with Rebecca Coco


Hey Rebecca, so give us a little background on your blog! What’s it about, and how long has it been going?

My blog is still very new, I started it in August so it’s only 3 months old! I post about beauty, fashion and lifestyle. I’m really enjoying doing outfit posts at the moment as it is helping me define my own sense of style.

What made you want to start blogging?

Blogging is something that I have wanted to start for a very long time, I always used to read blogs such as Zoella, Beauty Crush and Tanya Burr. It always seemed like a lot of fun and enjoyed reading their blogs so thought why not write one myself. I really enjoy blogging, it’s nice to have my own little space on the internet to talk about anything that I want!

 What’s your aim for your blog? And where would you like to see it in a year from now?

My aim for my blog is for it to continue to grow and blossom. I’d like it to help people whether it be by giving them inspiration for their outfits, or helping them find a new beauty product, just to know that people enjoy reading my blog is such an amazing thing. In a years time I’d like my blog to be a better version than it is now and for more people to be enjoying it.

 What has been the highlight of your blogging career so far?

I know it sounds silly but my biggest highlight is probably when I got my first comment and subscriber, I really didn’t expect anyone to just find my blog and enjoy it, it meant a lot to me.

 If you could give just 3 of your best tips to those just starting out, what would they be?

My first tip would have to be, always be yourself! I think it is so important, if you are yourself then it will show in your blog and it will shine. Another is to not get disheartened if you don’t get followers or comments straight away, these things take time. Lastly is to just enjoy it!

 Any finally, who are your favourite bloggers right now?

One of my favourite blogger at the moment is Amy Valentine (, I think she has the most amazing sense of style! I also still love Tanya Burr (, she’s the first blogger I started reading.

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