Why Sponsored Posts Can Sometimes be a Great Thing!


Sponsored posts are used by a whole host of bloggers, but sometimes it can be unclear whether this is a good thing. However if you do it right, sponsored posts on your blog can in fact be of huge benefit! Here’s why:

They Add Authority to Your Blog

Showing your readers that you are working with brands can look great, and will a sense of authority to what you write about. If it seems like brands are getting in touch with you, for your coverage and opinions it gives you a sense of authority. As long as you are honest and your post isn’t too sycophantic towards the brand/ product in question, a sponsored post will -believe it or not- come across extremely well to readers. Readers understand that once you become an authority in your field, brands will want to work with you! This is no bad thing- it shows your blog is growing and your following is respected. Embrace this!

You Usually End Up with Great Content!

Readers love reviews. Especially if you run a beauty/fashion blog, readers will come to you for the latest product and trend reviews so sponsored posts of this nature will fit right in with that. If you’re a travel blogger reviewing a hostel or hotel, the same goes! As long as the content doesn’t greatly stray from your usual style, you will end up with a post your readers will value and read.

You Get the Chance to Build Relationships with Brands

This really is a key point. If you are contacted by a brand, unless you’ve heard of them do some research. They could be a brand you’ll want to develop a relationship with! For many bloggers they long term aim is to turn their blog into a career, and in many cases this will mean taking a helping hand from a brand you love. If you like the brand and they align with your style and ethos, suggest taking things further. Perhaps you could eventually become a brand ambassador! This may not work at first- you will have to develop the following and content to prove you’re worth being involved with. But always remember, a sponsored post could be the gateway to that much coveted dream job!!

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