What can Your Blog Offer Brands?


There’s a reason brands are so keen to work with bloggers- you have a lot to offer them! Here are 3 things you can offer brands you’re keen to work with:

Brand Ambassadorship!

This one is a long term deal, and must be with a brand you’re genuinely passionate about. Brand ambassadorships are general given to bloggers who excel in the given brands niche, for example a brand which focuses on saving money would be looking for a blogger that really knows about being thrifty and giving valuable money advice.

In order to reach this goal you’ll need to put the work in, do your research and make sure you’re building a relevant and loyal readership!

Social Coverage

The social following of a blogger is worth plenty to brands, this is due to the fact that the community is extremely integrated so most bloggers have large followings of other bloggers relevant to them! Make this known! If you tweet out on behalf of a company you’re not tweeting out to an unreliable or irrelevant audience, you’re tweeting out to fellow bloggers in your niche- an incredibly valuable asset for you to bargain with!!

Access to the Blogging Community

One thing that brands are desperate to be part of is the blogging community. Blogging stands out from other types of media, in that bloggers are really engaged with each other and will spread the word about your brand- be it good or bad! Make a note of how many comments you get, how many retweets or replies you get on social media and how active you are within your blogging community. All this information will be exactly what brands want to hear, giving you the best chance of working with the companies you want to!

2 Responses to What can Your Blog Offer Brands?

  1. Denise (mum on a mission for a better life) February 20, 2014 at 7:51 pm #

    I do not mean to be rude but there only appears to be three reasons here not five?

    • Rebecca Brown February 21, 2014 at 9:03 am #

      You’re right! Thanks for pointing that out!