Tales of a 37-Year-Old Blogger by Lucy Valdez


25 to 37…I can safely say that those years of my life have been amazing!  I met my husband, had my children, worked as a hardworking professional, and I guess you could say I became a responsible adult.  I wouldn’t change a minute of it (except for the extra lbs!).  As my children became older and more independent, I found that I was able to re-focus my energies back to myself.  I had lost touch with a lot of my own hobbies and passions.  It was time to re-discover myself.  My sister-in-law at the time had mentioned to me that I should start blogging.

I had started becoming a tad bit obsessed with beauty products…everything from makeup to skincare, and everything in between.  At first I thought, maybe I’m too old for this blogging thing.  After all, realistically speaking, most bloggers are much younger than I am.  Then I thought about it a little more…Who was I really doing this for anyways?  Honestly, I was doing it for myself, so what was I waiting for???  One day I just sat down and started my Blogger account.  Right around that time I had signed up for ipsy, an amazing beauty subscription service, so this gave me some initial material to work with.  I sat down and I wrote my first post about their September 2013 sneak peeks.  I really just started exploring from there.

It wasn’t until the very end of 2013 that I finally started to expand my blogging horizons on social media with platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Influenster.  I joined a South Florida Bloggers Network on Facebook and attended my first ever blogging social media event.  I have been hooked ever since!  I have definitely learned a lot in the short time I have been blogging and there is no looking back.  I have met other amazing bloggers, both in person and through social media, I have had the opportunity of going to really amazing events, and I have been able to connect with different brands to review their products on my blog.

Some Tips for a Beginning Blogger

  1. Start!  If this is something you want to do just do it.  It will never be perfect and it you will make mistakes.  Use a journal or organizer to schedule yourself and plan ahead.  This will make getting your posts written much easier.
  2. Connect with other bloggers in your area.  It may feel a little awkward at first, but they were newbies at one point too.  Search on Facebook & Twitter for a blogging network in your city.  Introduce yourself, go to events, network.  Making connections is very important!  Get business cards prior to your first event and you will look like you mean business;)
  3. Follow other bloggers through social media and their blogs via Google+ and Bloglovin’.  Retweet things you like, comment, read their blogs and comment on their blog posts.  Volunteer to guest post and have them guest post on your blog.  They will appreciate the follow and most likely reciprocate.
  4. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!  Become part of different blog forums, like The Blogger’s Lounge.  I also belong to a local blog forum and have been able to be a guest blogger at different events.
  5. Network in your community.  Are you a beauty blogger?  Go to one of your local beauty spas or makeup lounges and collaborate to post about their establishment and maybe even work together to put together a blogger event.

When it comes to blogging I have learned that the sky is the limit!

You can check out Lucy’s blog here: http://www.2genbeauty.blogspot.co.uk/

If you’d like to write a post for the Bloggers’ Lounge get in touch with with any ideas you have!

2 Responses to Tales of a 37-Year-Old Blogger by Lucy Valdez

  1. Fashion Faux Pas January 20, 2014 at 12:18 pm #

    I loved reading this artcicle, as I can relate in the sense that I started my current blog – I had others, on other thematics – when I was 37. I am now 41 and still going, though I am well aware that I am so much older than other bloggers in my own country – who are mostly in their 20′s – and am discarded for the fact that I am this age… sad, really, but that does not stop me from blogging, which is something I really do for myself and not for others.

  2. Daisy January 20, 2014 at 4:17 pm #

    Enjoyed reading your article. You look beautiful.. Keep doing what you enjoy… <3
