5 Holiday Based Blog Post Ideas

blog post ideas

If you’re heading on holiday there’s so much you’ll be able to use to inspire some new content ideas for your blog! So bring along a notebook and get your creative juices flowing! Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

Holiday Recipes

This is one for the lifestyle or food bloggers. Trying new foods is one of the best things about visiting new cities- which is great news because recipe posts can be extremely popular when done right! Rosie Londoner is a really great blogger to look at if you’re new to making recipe posts, as she’s able to make simple and easy meals look delicious and easy to create!

Regarding process, this is a fairly easy one, just make a note of a few of your favourite dishes whilst you’re away. Then once you’re back, look up a good recipe and take photos of every step of the process as you recreate your favourite meals.

Hot Weather Hair/Beauty Tips

This one would be most relevant for beauty, travel or lifestyle bloggers. We all know hot weather can play havoc with your skin and hair, so if you’re planning to go away why not try out a few holiday products and review them on your return? This is bound to go down well with beauty and travel readers. Even reviewing the simplest of products such as sun cream could turn into a really useful post.

Off the Beaten Track City Guides

This can be a really fun post to put together. Whilst you’re away, pick a few of your favourite spots and make a few notes on each. Restaurants, secluded beaches, and little vintage shops- anything and everything will do, in fact the more personal to your tastes the better! Once you’re home, create your own complete guide to the city you’ve just visited. The great thing about these posts is they’ll give your readers a great view into your personal tastes as well as a new interpretation of the city you’re reviewing. Make sure you take lots of great pictures too!

The Complete Guide to Visiting (insert-destination) with Kids!

Obviously this is one for the parenting bloggers out there! Every parent needs a good few ideas of what to do with kids whilst they’re on holiday. So if you’re taking a family trip this summer, take a few notes on the do’s and don’ts for other parents visiting the city you’re off on holiday too. Find a restaurant unwelcoming to children? Make a note of it! If you find a really lovely park- take a few pictures and get it down in writing! Getting tips from fellow parents is great for holidaying families, so writing up your own guide is bound to lead to a really useful post.

What to Wear in (insert-destination)

We all dress a little differently on holiday. Depending on the weather, atmosphere and type of holiday, people tend to update their wardrobe before jetting off- and this is where you step in. From lying on the beach to dining out, make a diary of what you wear. Take note of what works well, and what doesn’t. Are some materials too heavy? Are there any brands that have nailed the holiday trends?! Make yourself the go-to blogger for hot weather dressing by creating a really comprehensive guide on how to dress for each and every holiday occasion.

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